Monday, March 21, 2011

Trial Search "The beginning"

Internet Privacy, something that not a single person in this world has. No matter what your searching looking at or posting someone can see it. Personal emails.... Think again the government can access with ease. Just graduation high school? wanting to go to collage? How about that post on Facebook about the party you went to?? UVM: DENIED! Yes that's right collages will also snoop through your social pages to see what you have been up too. do you like online gambling? Well GOOD NEWS!! People sell that information so you can get scammed into signing up for something FAKE! Okay so we've learned that computers aren't safe but what about cell phones? NOPE there not safe either. I know sad right so that text message you sent five minutes ago about the under age drinking at a party yesterday is open for just about any hacker to see! We now know our world of electronics is NOT private at all.

  • Why are people allowed to look at our personal things?
  • Why don't we have any privacy?
  • Do we lack privacy do to being less important? 
  • Is there anyway to protect our selves?
  • does privacy mean anything?

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