Thursday, March 31, 2011

Court Cases

One court case that has recently became a wild fire of talk and gossip, is Robbins VS, Lower Marion School District. A student named Blake Robbins was brought in to his assistant principles office, apparently he had been performing  "improper behavior in his home." but how would she know? well the school district had been spying through the built in webcams on the laptops they gave to the students in a new computer program where EVERY student gets a laptop for the year. She used a picture taken from the laptop as evidence against the young boy to try to punish him for out of school behavior. Three schools got the laptops, and multiple students are now suing the school district for their violation of privacy.

Another case is Quon VS. Ontario police department. In this case OPD gave their employees pagers. Many of the officers went over the limit for texts, even though they had to pay for the overage fees the OPD was curious as to weather they needed to increase the plans or if it was mostly personal usage. They got the messages from their carrier and began searching through the messages. Quon was later fired do to explicit content in the messages during work hours. he them sued the OPD for a violation of the 4th amendment. The court later announced in favor of the OPD. 

First part:

second part:

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