Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Constitutional Connection

As I stated in my previous post, The 4th amendment in the Constitution Prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and sets out requirements for search warrants based on probable cause. So, A computer is part of your home right? well then why do people we don't know get to check out the things we do on them? being apart of our home implies that we have to right to deny any search upon any aspect of it. But on the other hand the internet is something that is not apart of our home so therefore there is a loop hole in which people take advantage of. How did they get the right, privilege, and permission to go through our personal, private business? Being that there are two sides to this problem in the 4th Amendment, it puts our need to know answers in a gray area causing HUGE controversies over the problem at hand.

Freedom of speech, does this include the following:
  • Getting denied from collage for saying something you think?
  • Getting denied for blog post? 
I don't think it mean you can say something you think then get your life denied because of an out loud thought. It means the freedom to say what you feel with out consequences. 

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